Letters to Mikey


In America, we have so much, but something is missing. There is a widespread fear of what we are becoming. Our new normal is invisible, yet undeniable. Subtle, yet controlling. We can all feel it but we can’t put our finger on what it is.

A generalized yet overwhelming sense of noise and confusion has dominated our society for years. It’s as if we’ve become unglued from anything - truth or reality - that has formerly held us together. Driven by the fear of the moment, LTM is the story of a parent and part-time teacher who sits down to write a birthday card for his eighteen-year-old son and is at a loss for words for what is happening to society. So he drops everything, moves to an island, and visits a place that he hasn’t been to for years, the local library. What he finds there is truly astonishing. Written for young adults and teenagers, LTM explains the truth in a way that kids can rely on to have less frustration and worry about this crazy world we live in. It provides real reasons for optimism for a brighter future and coping mechanisms, tools, and strategies to enable a future generation to end terrible disagreement and hate forever.

Discover Chapter Excerpts Below

All proceeds will go to the nonprofit, Getting Along Academy.

Whose mission is to help kids retain their higher gifts to maintain the temperament to do the complex work of government.


The Road to Character by David Brooks